
Additional information

Working times

Monday – Friday / 9:00am – 7:00pm


The Basic Bath (Mandi Biasa)

Premium Bath & noiseless blow dry (Made in France Pet Shampoo)
Ear cleaning (Pembersihan Telinga)
Nail clipping (Potong Kuku dan Pengikiran Kuku)
Anti Flea Shampoo (Shampoo Anti Kutu) + Fees May Be Applied
Paw pad trim (Cukur Bulu Telapak Kaki)
Sanitary trim (Cukur Area Perut)
FREE Natural Perfume + Paw Balm

The Full Groom (Mandi Lengkap)

Custom cut & style
Premium Bath & noiseless blow dry (Made in France Pet Shampoo)
Ear cleaning
Nail clipping
Anti Flea Shampoo (Additional Fees May Be Applied)
Paw pad trim
Sanitary trim
Free Natural Perfume + Paw Balm


Certified Groomer only to Handle Your Anabul.

We are experienced with most challenging Cat & Dog breeds.

We use SAFEST PRODUCTS possible for your Anabul with top-notch quality, which better than any pet care services in the market. +LONG-LASTING CLEANLINESS & FRAGRANCE.

Over than 5 Years Experience Groomer with Zero Mistake and Mentally Healthy to Handle Your Anabul.
